Yesterday marked my thirty-eighth year. Reflecting upon the fact that in all likelihood I have passed more than half of the years which the Good Lord has allotted me in this life I could not help but conclude that I had done but little to advance the interests of Mankind. I felt sorely the want of those hours squandered in idleness or selfish pursuits and resolved in the future to live for others as I have here-to-fore lived for myself.
So, for the benefit of us all, I have endeavored to cast what light I can upon the great struggle in which our nation is presently engaged. To allow a better understanding of how our society has become locked in this savage dance I put myself on assignment and went to the front lines where this battle - the Battle to Decide what to do with all this Darn Disposable Income - is being waged. The photos below document what I found in that heart of darkness.

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